New Moon of the Grandmothers

Earthy new moon in Capricorn, wisdom sign of the ancient grandmothers. An annular ring of fire solar eclipse is also stirring things up. It may seem like dissonance and disconnections are “in your face.” Other people may push their own agenda regarding what’s best for you. Breathe deeply and hold your inner knowing close.

This is also a time for ancestral healing and clearing. Family rules, traditions and patterns may surface. Embrace the ones that fit for you and let the rest go.

Only you know what’s right for you. Honor and trust your own heart.

Image: Wikimedia commons

Capricorn Full Moon

Full moon in earthy Capricorn. Retrograde Saturn, Pluto and a partial lunar eclipse add to the mix. The normally creative builder energy of Capricorn, Is in a more destructive clearing away phase right now.

Ready or not, your shadow is out. The old rules of life may not hold much longer. Literally everything is up for debate.

Self care is key to managing this level of change. Create a calm safe space you can root into and relax within. Try to love every wiggle and wobble you make as you feel your way into a new future.

Earthy New Moon and Eclipse

Earthy new moon in Capricorn and a partial solar eclipse bathe us in the energy of so much to do, so little time.  Resist the urge to make a bunch of decisions and complete all your projects NOW!

Ground to Mama Earth.
Slow down to her slow, sacred winter rhythm.
Relax – you have time.


Solstice By Moonlight


‪Full moon in watery Cancer lights up the longest night in the northern hemisphere. This is a traditional time of rest and reflection. Sit in the stillness of winter solstice and breathe with the slow flow of nature in winter. Slow down and enjoy the quiet gifts of the season.

#SolsticeLight ‬