Now is the Time — the Fierce Feminine

THIS.   This is the antidote to all the bigotry, hatred and fear in America right now.  Thank you Chameli. ❤️

The moment you take a stand for what really matters to you,
you step into Sankalpa Shakti, a current of infinite creativity and energy.
By committing to what matters to you and stepping two feet in,
you access the very power needed to live out your Sankalpa.  

So what keeps us sitting on the fence?  

I have witnessed in myself and in my practice sisters
how we minimize the value of our path and our wisdom
when we cannot find confirmation from the outside;
how we are still waiting for approval,
comparing the fresh kiss of spirit that we are offered
in the intimacy of our own practice with the outdated models of spirit
embodied by men only. We are still moving in circles, repeating the past.

We tend to avoid that one scary step outside the circle of the known,
into the rush of self-arising wisdom expressed through us.
Are we secretly hoping that someone else will do it for us?

~ Chameli Devi Ardagh


Chameli’s recent TED Talk, The Fierce Face of the Feminine:

Embodied Love

Ripe Peach
Peach by Nancy L

We all have direct access to the totality of spirit; it is breathing us right now.
There is nothing we have to make up or believe in in order to realize our true nature…

Merely watching other people feast at the table will not relieve your hunger.
When you bring teachings into embodied practice,
you eat the fruit, you digest the fruit, and you become the fruit
–that is real spiritual transformation.

~Chameli Ardagh

Eat the fruit, digest the fruit, LOVE the fruit, become the fruit… and transform. 

In the end, Love is key.  Love is what transforms us.

Everything is the Path

Life is Messy

Here we are in our humanness, in our grumpiness, in our glory, in our sexiness,
in our dirty dishes, in our exhaustion, in our irritation and in our genius.

Gradually, with practice, we begin to see that the way
life shows up is not an error or deviation from Her.

There is nothing to quickly overcome so we can get back to our lives
and back to our spiritual path. The Goddess reveals that all of this is Her;
all of this is holy. There is nothing we need to get rid of.

Everything we experience is the path.

~ Chameli Devi Ardagh
Awakening Women

Shakti Power

New Life
Weed Love by Nancy L

“There is a deep intelligence intrinsic to all of us that we call Shakti: a creative life force pressing through all things. It wants to grow, to become. It is powerful beyond comprehension. It moves the planets; it erupts volcanoes; it allows the butterfly to burst out of the cocoon.
This same Shakti is what awakens you and brings awareness into the frozen, rigid places. It is the longing that presses through you, telling you some of your old ways of being are too small for you, like old clothes that don’t fit anymore.”

~Chameli Ardagh
Awakening Women