Trickster Gemini New Moon

New Moon in airy Gemini, the trickster shapeshifter.

Something new is stirring.
Change is in the air.
Magic is afoot.

Watch for synchronicities and signs from the Universe.
Expect the unexpected


Are you paying attention?

Full Moon of Balance

Full moon in airy Libra, the champion of balance and fairness and equality.

Where are you out of balance with your true self?

What small steps can you take towards alignment and balance? What can you shed from your life? What can you add?

Who or what can help you create more balance?


Image: Full Moon Over Alderfer
by Nancy L

Tell Me

“Tell me it is not too late.
Tell me the sisters are awakening.
Tell me the moonlodge is rebuilt.
Tell me that the words of White Buffalo Calf Woman were not in vain.
Tell me that Kwan Yin’s heart is not breaking.
Tell me that Venus is safe.
Tell me that Artemis roams free in the woods.
Tell me that Lilith is welcome at your table.
Tell me that you remember that pleasure is holy to me.
Tell me that you refuse to believe that you delight in pain.”

~ Susun S Weed


Image: Lady of the Beasts
by Kleitias 570-560 BCE

Flaming New Moon and Eclipse

New moon and total solar eclipse in fiery Sagittarius, the seeker of spiritual truth.

This solar eclipse will only be visible tonight for a few minutes in Antarctica and the southern edges of South America and Australia. But don’t kid yourself; every eclipse delivers an energetic wallop to the entire planet.

And this eclipse event in Sagittarius has a signature energy that I can only describe as…


We are receiving a turbo-charged download of transformative energies. And it’s positive, life affirming, passionate energies this time.

So, the only question is, where in your life do you need a turbo boost?

Where are you aching to make a dramatic shift? Focus there. Now is the time for positive, creative, joyful action. Even a tiny baby step is better than no action at all.

Stop debating.
No more whining.
Go For It.
Act now.

Warrior Full Moon

Full moon in fiery Aries, spiritual warrior for truth and justice. Mercury just went direct as well. Full steam ahead!

Life may feel hot and volatile right now. And you may get the urge to jump in and fix everything all at once — even though you probably don’t have a clue what you’re doing.

Energies are wild and spontaneous and hard to corral. Try to slow your roll a bit. There is no need to right every wrong at once. Breathe and carefully consider your choices.

You can burn off some of the fiery energy by clearing and organizing your space. Or exercising. Or dancing like a dervish. Or try some primal scream therapy.

Just don’t use it to blow up your entire life.

Image : Ancient warrior queen
of the wild beasts (above)

She Who Changes

“She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes.

The world is Her body. The world is in Her and She is in the world. She surrounds us like the air we breathe. She is as close to us as our own breath. She is energy, movement, life, and change. She is the ground of freedom, creativity, sympathy, understanding, and love. In Her we live, and move, and co-create our being. She is always there for each and every one of us, particles of atoms, cells, animals, and human animals. We are precious in Her sight. She understands and remembers us with unending sympathy. She inspires us to live creatively, joyfully, and in harmony with others in the web of life.

Yet choice is ours. The world that is Her body is co-created. The choices of every individual particle of an atom, every individual cell, every individual animal, every individual human animal play a part. The adventure of life on planet earth and in the universe as a whole will be enhanced or diminished by the choices we make. She hears the cries of the world, sharing our sorrows with infinite compassion.

In a still, small voice, She whispers the desire of Her heart: Life is meant to be enjoyed. She sets before us life and death. We can choose life. Change is. Touch is. Everything we touch can change.”

~Carol P. Christ
She Who Changes: Re-imagining
the Divine in the World


Safe travels, Carol.



Image: Bird Woman-Goddess figure
Edfu Egypt, 4000 BCE
Photo by Nancy L