New moon and solar eclipse in airy, shape shifting, trickster Gemini.
Eclipses are said to amplify our thoughts and intentions a hundredfold or more. Both positive and negative thoughts are amplified. So, why not harness that power?
Take time to think about what you REALLY want. What do you want to amplify in your life? What do you want more of? What nurtures you? What do you need to grow and bloom?
Focus on what feeds your body-mind and spirit. What will it look like, taste like, feel like when you get what you desire?
Full moon in airy Libra. The days are lengthening and warming. Spring is stirring. And something heavy has lifted that goes beyond the seasonal shift. A lightening has begun. But of what? Sometimes it is only in hindsight that we understand what has occurred.
How are you relating to the world? To yourself? Now is the time to lighten up. Change your approach. Free your inner dancer, singer, joker. Cut loose. Embrace your growing spring fever.
It’s been a long slog of a pandemic winter. Time to leave your rut behind.
Full moon in earthy Taurus on Halloween. The moon is visiting with Uranus, a powerful agent of change. Meanwhile, the sun is in wise and witchy Scorpio.
Our cultural initiation continues.
During normal times, full moons stir up sensitive humans (just ask an ER nurse how crazy people get during full moons). And these are wilder than normal times. A contentious US election is just around the corner. The COVID pandemic is worsening as well. You can bet that this full moon will deliver more chaos and crazy surprises.
Time to get physical.
The antidote to chaos and craziness is to ground in the physical world. Focus on physical movement : walking, jogging, dancing, squats, yoga, weight lifting, etc. Eat grounding foods such as carrots, potatoes, beets and other root vegetables. Sit or lie down on the ground and feel it’s support. Become a creature of the soil and rocks again.
Your ancestors can also be a great source of grounding support. The veils between the worlds are especially thin right now, making it a great time to honor and connect with your ancestors in some way. Every family has ancestors who survived floods, droughts, famine, wars, pandemics and more. Reach out to them now for guidance and support.
“The world which men have made isn’t working. Something needs to change. To change the world, we women need first to change ourselves – and then we need to change the stories we tell about who we are. The stories we’ve been living by for the past few centuries – the stories of male superiority, of progress and growth and domination – don’t serve women and they certainly don’t serve the planet. Stories matter, you see.”
Dark moon time in Virgo, keeper of Earth’s cycles and rhythms. Mama Earth turns towards autumn in this seasonal time of letting go. Honor the shift with an Earth prayer or offering of gratitude.
Fiery change is all around us. Tend gently to your heart. Call on your spiritual support to help hold a vision of the future you desire. Remember that when chaos reigns, anything is possible.
Open your heart again and again. Help others when you’re able. And when you don’t feel able, ask for help. Now is the time to begin loving our world whole.
Expansive full moon in airy Aquarius. We are in the midst of global change and chaos. Expect the unexpected.
Many people are feeling overwhelmed, tense, contracted and exhausted right now. Shallow, rapid breathing fans the flames of your inner chaos. Take deep, long breaths instead. Make your exhale longer than your inhale. If you are a student of yoga or pranayama, use Ujjayi breathing. Slow down, unwind and expand your energy with yin yoga.
Aquarian consciousness encourages us to expand our perspective. Change is always messy and chaotic. It is impossible to control, so stop trying. This is what is happening right now. Surrender to it.
Take a break from the news. Seek out the beauty and magic of life instead; the colors of sunrise, clouds dancing on the wind, cicadas buzzing in the trees, flowers quietly blooming, the feel of soft pet fur on your fingertips, the sound of a child’s laughter, an ice cold drink on a hot afternoon, the smell of dinner cooking, the full moon lighting up a dark sky tonight…
Life is still full of magic. Look for it.
And remember that you can be part of the healing medicine we all need right now by simply speaking and acting with kindness.