It never oleaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.
Certain times in our lives are filled with potency and magic. Twilight is such a time, as is dawn. These are magical moments when it is neither day nor night. Birth is another potent in-between time, along with death. These special times mark borders and transition zones. The in-between is a sacred time when magic is afoot.
Here in the northern hemisphere, we find ourselves on the boundary between autumn and winter. The light is slowly fading away as our Sun drops lower and lower in the sky and our nights grow longer. This is another potent in-between time. The ancient Celtic people would celebrate Samhain (Sow-in) at this time. Some tribes chose to celebrate at the 1st new moon after late harvest (November 4th, 2021). Other tribes celebrated at the 1st full moon after harvest. The celebration of Samhain was a beautiful way to honor the seasonal transition out of the light and into the dark.
The veils between the worlds grow very thin during this sacred in-between time. Loved ones who have departed this Earth are believed to be nearby. Many people in Mexico honor this by celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) at this time.
Samhain is the perfect time to acknowledge and celebrate the sacred cycles of birth – growth – death – rebirth that are an integral part of Nature.
Some suggestions for acknowledging and honoring the magical in-between time of Samhain:
Take a few moments to honor everything you have “harvested” this year.
Bow to your ancestors and thank them for giving you this life.
Offer love and prayers to loved ones who have transitioned.
Thank the brilliant light of summer and embrace the deep dark of winter.
Listen for spiritual guidance to help you in the coming year.
Full moon in earthy Virgo, sacred keeper of nature’s rhythms and cycles.
With the craziness and chaos in the world today, we all could use some earthy focus to anchor and ground us. Spend time out in nature. Watch your neighborhood for signs of early spring.
Is that joyful birdsong from the tree? Has the wind shifted into a warmer spring pattern? Can you smell the soil waking up? Is that a bit of green poking through? Are the bees out buzzing around yet?
Dig in the dirt, if you can. Plant something to tend and love and help grow. Or perhaps you want to watch the night sky and follow the moon through her phases this month.
Our Earth can hold and anchor you in the current chaos, if you open and connect.
Here’s to Mama Earth and the sacred rhythms of spring.
Stormy full moon in airy Libra. The pace of change in our world has accelerated again under the influence of change agent Uranus now in Taurus. Time to remember that even good change brings chaos in its wake.
You may feel waves of deep emotion washing over you and through you. Find a safe place to drop anchor, get still and allow your emotions to move freely. The result will be a deep and healing cleanse.