Like the Moon

And if you are to love, 

love like the moon loves. 

It doesn’t steal the night. 

It only unveils the beauty of the dark 

        ~Isra Al-Thibeh


Moon Photo by Nancy L

Growing Yourself in Darkness

“The woman who takes the time to grow herself in darkness becomes familiar — perhaps for the first time — with the real source and containment of her psychic strength. No longer is her strength dissipated in obeying an idealized father figure, in pleasing a lover, in trying to satisfy a perpetually unsatisfied mother figure, in accommodating to a patriarchal organization or culture, in appeasing the inner witch who tells her she is worthless. No longer is her strength lost to obeying compulsions, drives, and obsessions that can slip in during the dark night of the soul and substitute for the real thing.

“And what is the real thing, the thing for which she longs? The love affair with her own spirit, the inner marriage that commits her to her destiny, the rituals of soul that feed her deepest hunger, and the sense of being pregnant with her Self, her creative essence.”

~Jill Mellick

Finding Your Way Home

To the North within you, 
may you express the wisdom of your true self.

To the West within you, 
may you be reborn with every season.

To the South within you, 
may you hear the counsel of your heart.

To the East within you, 
may you be blessed with illumination.

To all Above that is within you, 
may you be guided be angels and divinity.

To all Below that is within you, 
may you discover the blessing of your shadow. 

To the Spirit within you, 
may you find your way home. 

~ Tanya Markul, Thug Unicorn ~

Blessings of the Dark

Today I am grateful for:
1. The dark half of the year. Time to slow down, dream, reflect, contemplate. #Darkness

2. Welsh Goddess Arianrhod. She lives in a wheel of stars at the center of the night sky. Arianrhod keeps the dead safe until it is time for them to be reborn.  #RestingPlace

3. Celtic Goddess Elen of the Ways. She is a whisper, a gentle wind in the wilderness. Elen shows us our true path.  #WayShower

4. The bone collector, a Celtic Crone Goddess who collects the bones of the dead animals all winter and sings them across the void to be reborn.  #BoneSong

5. Hindu Goddess Kali. She dances a power dance and demands we embrace our shadow.  #LookInTheDark

6. Babylonian Goddess Tiamat, the primordial power and chaos of the depths. She both creates and destroys. The early patriarchal kings claimed to have destroyed Tiamat, but we all know better.  #Primordial

7. Ancient feminine energies / archetypes of darkness. These dark goddesses hold so much wisdom and power.  #DarkWisdom


Originally posted on Facebook, 11/28/19
Image: Paris Catacombs by Nancy L

Late Winter Moon Message

There is confusion,
So much confusion
But try to breathe and trust
The green, the sprouting time
Is almost here.

This moment, this sacred moment
Is the dark just before dawn
Pregnant dark, promising dark
Luscious dark
That soon turns to light.

Breathe and Trust.


Aries new moon

Dark Fire Moon

Fiery Sagittarius new moon, Mercury now direct, and Venus rising in the morning sky —> a massive influx of passionate transformational energy bombarding us now.

You can use this energy of change to explore where you want to go in the next year.  What do you truly desire going forward?

Light up your intentions now.

