Find Your Door

“I’ll tell you right now,
the doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious.
If you have a deep scar, that is a door,
if you have an old, old story, that is a door.
If you love the sky and the water so much
you almost cannot bear it, that is a door.
If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life,
a sane life, that is a door.”

~Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Nine Dreams

Green Woman Dreams

River in flood carries me to a new mountain.
Mountain holds me and whispers,
Bringer of the fairy light
Learn to hold the valley… learn to hold.

I rest in the lap of Isis 
Sacred mother of all
Tears flow and heal.

Blood river of my ancestors
Washes over me, through me
Dark Goddess smiles.

Just dance your dance.
Just dance your dance.

I am drumming my sister awake
Blooming hills surround
Bee priestesses dance
And Her honey flows.

~Nancy Lankston


Dreaming Back My Sisters

“I am dreaming back my sisters

Whisper-worn footfalls on the Temple steps


Storm dwellers

Heavy-breasted cauldron keepers


Snake sisters

Darkmoon dancers

Labyrinth builders

Star bridgers

Fiery-eyed dragon-ryders

Wind seekers

Shape shifters

Corn daughters

Wolf women

Earth stewards

Gentle-handed womb sounders

Dream spinners

Flame keepers

Moon birthers

Come home sisters, come home”

~Marie Elena Gaspari

Fiery Full Moon

Image: Fire Dragon by Nancy Lankston

Fiery full moon in Sagittarius aligned with the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Meanwhile Jupiter and Neptune are squaring each other, and Pluto is stirring up Saturn . What crazy potent times we live in!

Huge expansive shifts are possible IF you are willing to release and burn away the ancient fears and rules that keep you bound in place.

Let that old crap go. Then dream into the heart of what you truly desire.


Her Longing

John Collier 1887

She wants to meet the serpent
Have a chat with Eve in the garden
Before she was banished
For the sin
Of wise curiosity.

She longs to sit with Medusa,
Gazing into her eyes
While M recounts 
The whole sordid tale
From her point of view.

She craves dinner with Lilith
And all her beasts
On a beach overlooking a sea of red.
They will talk until the full moon rises
Then dance with Cybele until dawn

She wishes to hear stories of HER
The Great Goddess
Stories that lie long buried
Beneath a pile of myths and legends
Told for millennia in a male voice.

She longs to learn more, so much more
About Her lineage
Her story
Her wisdom
From the she’s who came before.

And so she sits quietly waiting.
She senses every story of Her Is still here,
Hidden in ripples on still water
In bird song at dawn
And the flicker of flame in the night.

So she sits
She listens
She waits
Holding her longing

~Nancy Lankston

Potent Pisces New Moon

New moon in dreamy, watery Pisces.
With Neptune also in Pisces, big magic is afoot!

Forget logic.
Envision what you want to manifest.
Passionately hold that vision in your heart.
See it, feel it, taste it happening.

Then pay attention to your dreams.
And watch for synchronistic signs in waking life.
The universe will nudge you in the right direction.‬

