Dark Moon in Virgo

Dark moon time in Virgo, keeper of Earth’s cycles and rhythms. Mama Earth turns towards autumn in this seasonal time of letting go. Honor the shift with an Earth prayer or offering of gratitude.

Fiery change is all around us. Tend gently to your heart. Call on your spiritual support to help hold a vision of the future you desire. Remember that when chaos reigns, anything is possible.

Open your heart again and again. Help others when you’re able. And when you don’t feel able, ask for help. Now is the time to begin loving our world whole.



Moon Wisdom

The moon does not fight. 
It attacks no one. 
It does not worry. 
It does not try to crush others. 
It keeps to its course, 
but by its very nature, it gently influences. 

What other body could pull 
an entire ocean from shore to shore? 
The moon is faithful to its nature, 
and its power is never diminished.

~Deng Ming-Dao


Full Moon – The Grandmothers Are Calling

Full moon tonight in earthy Capricorn, the shaper. The energies are amplified by a penumbral eclipse of the moon, visible in North America.

The deep feminine wisdom of the grandmothers is calling to you now. As old structures and rules are dismantled all around you, the grandmothers ask you to get clear about what you truly want.

What do you want in your world? Get grounded in this reality and then envision a new future unfolding before you.

Do you see a faint path headed in the direction of your truth? Follow it!

How can you begin to shape and build the future you desire? Transformation only requires you to take one tiny step at a time.

Nothing is impossible with the ancestral grandmothers by your side. Ask for their guidance and support.

🌙 ❤️


Image: detail from my painting, Dreaming True.

New Moon in Cancer

A New Portal Opens

New moon in Cancer, the nurturing mama. This new moon is amplified by the annular solar eclipse that occurred right after the moon reached zero point in Cancer. New moon energies of change and transformation are running even higher than normal.

This natural seed point is the perfect time to get still and examine your current life. Think about what you want to seed and grow.

What is not serving you that you can now release?
What do you want to turn your energy and focus toward?
What do you want to add to your life?
What does your Soul crave?
How can you move in that direction, even if it’s only a few baby steps?

This time is a portal into your future. Allow yourself to ponder, fantasize and dream about which door you will choose to step through.

Cancer is a watery, highly emotional sign. Be gentle with yourself as you ponder your life and your future.


Solstice Eclipse Portal

This is the solstice, the still point
of the sun, its cusp and midnight,
the year’s threshold
and unlocking, where the past
lets go of and becomes the future;
the place of caught breath, the door
of a vanished house left ajar…

~Margaret Atwood


Dreamy New Moon

New moon in watery Pisces, the dreamer. You may find your emotions running high right now. The emotional waters of Pisces run deep.

Give yourself permission to be emotional. Offer kindness and love to yourself even though you may feel vulnerable and raw. Your heart is big enough to hold it all – the yummy, the scary, the sad, the beautiful and the tender. Breathe and allow it all.

Now is the time to dream big; explore whatever you wish to create in your world. Focus energy there. Make time to dream about the future you desire.

A Clearing

“here is the month i decided to shed everything not deeply committed to my dreams. the day i refused to be a victim to the self-pity. here is the week i slept in the garden. the spring i wrung the self-doubt by its neck. hung your kindness up. took down the calendar. the week i danced so hard my heart learned to float above water again. the summer i unscrewed all the mirrors from their walls. no longer needed to see myself to feel seen. combed the weight out of my hair.

i fold the good days up and place them in my back pocket for safekeeping. draw the match. cremate the unnecessary. the light of the fire warms my toes. i pour myself a glass of warm water to cleanse myself for january. here I go. stronger and wiser into the new.”

~ rupi kaur

