Full Moon with Feeling

Full moon in Scorpio, the queen of watery, emotional depths. Raw, wild emotion is all around us.

Yes, life is chaotic and difficult to fathom right now. Yes, reality is shifting. And yes, you probably want to crawl under the covers and stay there for a good long while. Quite understandable in these crazy times.

Spiral into the heart of whatever you are feeling. Simply breathe and stay with your feelings. Allow yourself to be present with whatever comes up. Breathe and feel it all.

The way out is through.


Dreamy New Moon

New moon in watery Pisces, the dreamer. You may find your emotions running high right now. The emotional waters of Pisces run deep.

Give yourself permission to be emotional. Offer kindness and love to yourself even though you may feel vulnerable and raw. Your heart is big enough to hold it all – the yummy, the scary, the sad, the beautiful and the tender. Breathe and allow it all.

Now is the time to dream big; explore whatever you wish to create in your world. Focus energy there. Make time to dream about the future you desire.

Sensual Taurus Moon

Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Full moon in Taurus, the earthy, sensual one. This moon beckons you to reach for physical pleasures. Meanwhile, the Sun in Scorpio wants you to dive deep into your feelings. The question is, can you do both? 

Create a sensory experience for yourself; explore yummy foods, scents that call to you, beautiful tunes, sensual touch, joyful movement… Get lusciously physical.

Pause and notice the emotions that surface when you treat yourself this way. Is there a part of you that pushes pleasure away? Will you allow yourself to have just a little more pleasure?




Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Watery Full Moon

Full moon in watery Pisces. You may feel like your inner emotional waters are running too high this week. No, you’re not crazy – this is an especially emotional time.

Honor whatever you’re feeling. It’s all normal.

Try sitting with Mama Earth and allowing those difficult feelings to surface and run down into her. Earth will hold you, calm you and compost your pain and rage and grief if you let her.


Watery Full Moon in Scorpio

Full moon in Scorpio, queen of deep watery emotions.

Call on your spiritual support.

Take time to nurture and be kind to yourself.

Go deep!

What does your beautiful Soul require?

Do that now.

