Wild Gemini Moon

Full moon in wild and airy Gemini, lover of crazy coyote wisdom. AND a lunar eclipse tonight opens up a portal ripe with crazy possibilities.

Crazy times beg for odd and unusual acts. What you seek will not be found through logic or normal behavior. So, sing a bawdy song or two. Dance a wild jig. Stand on your head awhile. Howl at the moon. Embrace your inner wild one.

Blow up your stale routines and make an opening for crazy Heyoka wisdom to flow into you.



Heyoka is a Native American word that means ‘sacred clown’ or ‘fool’. Heyoka use humor and tricks to startle or jolt people out of their normal thinking and open their minds to new possibilities.

Image: Howling Coyote

Wild Gemini New Moon

New moon in airy Gemini, joined by the Sun, Mercury and Venus. We are awash in wild Gemini energies for the next few days.

Let the trickster games begin! Try to relax and enjoy the carnival ride that Gemini loves to create. Shape-shift into your child self and look for the magic. It’s here all around, if you look. Coyote Gemini always brings magic.

Avoid getting too mental and over-thinking things (Gemini’s shadow). If you try to make sense of the world right now, you will only make yourself crazy. So, let your hair down and unleash you inner 4 year old!

Flip off the news. Literally, flip it off!

Sing a silly song. Waltz down the supermarket aisle. Play with your food. Talk like a munchkin. Make monster faces. You can return to responsible adulthood in a few days. But for now, giggle and wiggle and make some fun.

Trickster New Moon

Trickster new moon in airy Gemini. Illusion on top of confusion and delusion. It’s best to simply smile and accept that down is up right now.

On a positive note, wildly creative energy is also flowing. Embrace it; create something new just for fun with words, paint, flour and fruit, fabric, garden soil, nail polish, feathers… whatever is at hand.



Trickster Full Moon

Full moon in airy Gemini, the loquacious trickster. All this Gemini air and Sagittarius fire may trick you. Try to resist the urge to leap into something new right now. Now is not the time for sudden changes. There is no need to rush. Slow down, take a breath & consider all your options.



New Moon in Playful Gemini

New moon in airy spontaneous Gemini.

Life can get stuffy and boring if you let it. Now is the perfect time to let your creativity and spontaneity flow! Your inner wild child wants to play. Let her OUT!
