Navigating by Moonlight – Capricorn New Moon Divination

Consider the words and images shared here.
Notice the feelings and thoughts that arise for you.
Use this information to gently guide your choices and focus.


2 cards drawn from Witches’ Wisdom Tarot Deck:

4 Moon
Mystery. Wildness. Physical instinct. Liberated feminine power

“There is a wildness within us that yearns to be physical, sensual, animal, free. But fear of this unknown part, of the shadows where it dwells, of where it might take us, has left us all only half alive…

Wildness is the only path to the moon. There is no need to dread the companions who will teach you how to shapeshift into hoof and horn, paw and claw, fur and feathers, fins and scales, bud and leaf and flower. Set your foot upon the silver path. The moon will light your way from fear to the fierce and freeing desires of your wild and natural self.”

4 of Water
Open your Heart. Grieve. Reach out. Rejoice

“Whale is a wise and compassionate being who will guide you through the currents of your feelings and show you how to live in a connected way. Invite them into your life. Journey, dream meditate, pray, study, visit with and volunteer for whale. Allow whale energy to move through you…

Let whale teach you to sing.”

2 cards drawn from The Wildwood Tarot Deck:

6 of Vessels

“Recognition of ancestral and reincarnation memory.”

5 of Bows

“The time of self empowerment by seizing the initiative is here.”



Image: the cards in the order they were drawn.

A New Story


…Sometimes you have to say goodbye.
To people, places, jobs and things.
Sometimes you have to let go
And let go.

You are the navigator.
You are the map.
You are the snake shedding her skin.
You are the new story wriggling out.
You are the surrender.
You are the compass.
You are the yes
And the no
And the alchemist in between.

Be bigger.
Rise higher.
Root deeper.
Say yes to change.
Your life IS the Great Work.
Serve the Golden honey of your Soul.

~The Wild Matryoshka

The Soul of Nature Calls

“I who am the beauty of the green earth
and the white moon among stars
and the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise
and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature
that gives life to the universe.
From Me all things proceed
and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices,
for behold—
all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me,
know that your seeking and yearning
will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery:
for if that which you seek,
you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.
For behold,
I have been with you
from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained
at the end of desire.”



adapted from Doreen Valiente’s
Charge of the Goddess

Image: Lake George
by Georgia O’Keeffe

Becoming Elder

“…To a woman of the Celtic nations, to become Elder is above all to become Cailleach: to represent the integrity and health of the wild places and creatures of this world.

To become Elder is to become strong – strong as the white old bones of the earth, strong enough to endure the long, lonely vigil to the end of the world.

To become Elder is to hold the power, stay the course.

Above all, to become Elder is to become the bean feasa, the Wise Woman: the one who knows the secrets and speaks the languages of the land, who speaks with the moral authority of the Otherworld, who weaves the dreaming of the world.”

~Sharon Blackie


I have a new goal.

Image by Carolyn Hillyer

Tell Me

“Tell me it is not too late.
Tell me the sisters are awakening.
Tell me the moonlodge is rebuilt.
Tell me that the words of White Buffalo Calf Woman were not in vain.
Tell me that Kwan Yin’s heart is not breaking.
Tell me that Venus is safe.
Tell me that Artemis roams free in the woods.
Tell me that Lilith is welcome at your table.
Tell me that you remember that pleasure is holy to me.
Tell me that you refuse to believe that you delight in pain.”

~ Susun S Weed


Image: Lady of the Beasts
by Kleitias 570-560 BCE

Capricorn New Moon

New moon in earthy Capricorn, wise grandmother protector of our planet home. Now is the time to honor and care for Mama Earth.


“Mother Earth needs us to keep our covenant. We will do this in courts, we will do this on our radio station, and we will commit to our descendants to work hard to protect this land and water for them. Whether you have feet, wings, fins, or roots, we are all in it together.”

~Winona LaDuke
Environmental activist


We are the Earth
The Earth are We.

Image: Presence of Gaia
by Josephine Wall