Full Moon in Fiery Leo

Full moon in fiery Leo, the regal sign of self love.

When the world has gone mad, it’s time to go to ground and love up yourself until you find peace within once again.


“We must belong to ourselves before we belong anywhere else. When we betray ourselves to fit in, be liked, not cause problems, avoid discomfort, sidestep conflict, or not disappoint people,
we break our own hearts.”
~Brenè Brown

Full Moon Heart Tending

Full moon in fiery Aries, the spiritual warrior. Heart energy is running high. Pluto also just stationed direct, which may stir up shadow aspects within you that need light and love.

Use this time to tend your inner fire. Breathe into your heart and fan your inner flame. Take some action to honor all that you are; all the strengths and frailties that make you unique and powerful.

Breathe in Love.
Breathe out Love.


Image: Hearth fire on Aries
full moon morning

Watery Full Moon in Pisces

Full moon in watery Pisces. Emotions run high.

Surrender to any and all feelings that may arise in the next few days. Old emotional “demons” are surfacing. Simply acknowledge them, and open your heart. Remember that even your biggest demons can be healed through acceptance and love.

Embrace it all; your good, your bad, your ugly.


Art by Molly Gur

A God(dess) Who Bleeds

Artist unknown

we need a god who bleeds now
a god whose wounds are not
some small male vengeance
some pitiful concession to humility
a desert swept with dryin marrow in honor of the lord
we need a god who bleeds
spreads her lunar vulva & showers us in shades of scarlet
thick & warm like the breath of her
our mothers tearing to let us in
this place breaks open
like our mothers bleeding
the planet is heaving mourning our ignorance
the moon tugs the seas
to hold her/to hold her
embrace swelling hills/i am
not wounded i am bleeding to life
we need a god who bleeds now
whose wounds are not the end of anything

~Ntozake Shange

Uterus Blooming I by Catherine Suleiman

New Moon in Leo

New moon time is now. The moon begins her journey to wholeness this month in fiery Leo, the regal sign of self-love. La Luna is also illuminating Venus at the gate of love and compassion.

A new moon is not a time of action. Make this a time of dark, quiet reflection. Sit with yourself and ponder what you want to begin creating in the month ahead. Reflect, release and clarify who you are and what you want.

“A new moon teaches gradualness
and deliberation
and how one gives birth
to oneself slowly.
Patience with small details
makes perfect a large work,
like the universe…”
