Full moon in fiery Leo, the regal sign of self love.
When the world has gone mad, it’s time to go to ground and love up yourself until you find peace within once again.
“We must belong to ourselves before we belong anywhere else. When we betray ourselves to fit in, be liked, not cause problems, avoid discomfort, sidestep conflict, or not disappoint people, we break our own hearts.” ~Brenè Brown
Fiery full moon in Leo. This moon is known as the Snow Moon in the northern hemisphere. Paradoxically, even as we turn toward spring, the heaviest snows blanket the land.
Leo is the champion of self-love, personal power and sovereignty.
Are there places or relationships where you need to stand up for yourself and your needs?
How can you honor and love yourself even more now?
Where do you need to shift in order to embrace your personal sovereignty and rule your own life?
New moon time is now. The moon begins her journey to wholeness this month in fiery Leo, the regal sign of self-love. La Luna is also illuminating Venus at the gate of love and compassion.
A new moon is not a time of action. Make this a time of dark, quiet reflection. Sit with yourself and ponder what you want to begin creating in the month ahead. Reflect, release and clarify who you are and what you want.
“A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly. Patience with small details makes perfect a large work, like the universe…”
The moon goes full in fiery Leo the lion today. Asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer, is also in a fire sign (Aries) heating things up. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are sitting with the Sun in airy Aquarius fanning the flames. Plus, a big solar wind is blasting Earth this week. To say that the energies may be a bit wild is an understatement. INTENSE is the word that comes to mind.
Like a hungry lion, this fired up energy is big and unpredictable and INTENSE.
The trick is to contain and channel all this fiery, passionate, INTENSE energy in the right direction. Try not to flail around in twelve different directions. You don’t have to do it all today.
Slow down. Get in touch with your physical body. Find ground. Then choose just one small action you can take that’s headed in the direction of your dreams. Do that.
New Moon in fiery Leo with the Sun. To say that people are stirred up would be an understatement. The world is on FIRE right now.
Expect melt downs, arguments, lots of drama, passion, anger and people acting out all around you. You are probably feeling a bit of internal heat yourself.
Try not to get sucked into the center of the fire. Take a few steps back. Do whatever helps you chill out. Create a cool down routine for yourself and use it!
Hang in there. All this wild, fiery energy will shift soon.