New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra, the airy sign of balanced relationships.  With so much polarizing information swirling around you, it can be difficult to maintain your inner balance. This new moon is the perfect time to pause and listen for the wisdom of Soul within.

Ask how you can restore your own balance so you can relate to others from a calm neutral space.


Tarot Card for this Libra New Moon

Page of Vessels

contemplate, envision, open to new perceptions

Fiery Warrior Moon


Elemental Force

‪Fiery full moon in Aries, the sign of the #badass spiritual warrior.
Our souls are burning — burning for justice, for truth, for love, for change.

Time to Step up, Speak out and Fight for what you believe in.‬

Step up.  ‪It’s time.‬


Earth Priestess Moon

New moon in Virgo, keeper of the sacred rhythms and cycles of our Earth.

Get out into Nature. Sit with Mama Earth and listen to her wisdom. She is calling to you… do you hear her?

Go commune with the mother.

Dream Moon

Watery full moon in dreamy Pisces. Pause and contemplate the messages your dreams hold. Soul speaks to us through our dreams and intuitive visions. What is your Soul sharing with you? Pay attention and learn the secrets of your Soul.


Dance of Light and Dark

Tonight, a Leo new Moon and a partial eclipse of the Sun.

Sacred dance of Light and Dark in our Sky.


Moon and Sun square Jupiter in Scorpio

with 6 planets in retrograde

and yang Mars squaring wild card Uranus.

Time  to reset.  Tie up loose ends and clear the decks.  Clear first and then set new intentions. Choose what you want to focus on going forward.

This current Earth-Sun-Moon cycle is 

“a call to dig deep and be fiercely honest about
what needs to change inside so that the outside can follow.” 

~Kate Rusko

“a beautiful window within which to set intentions around
a higher vibration of self-love and acceptance.”

~Cayelin Castell


More thoughts on this new moon / eclipse time.


Aquarius Full Moon and Eclipse

Airy Aquarius full moon with a total lunar eclipse clears the air. All kinds of BS falls away. Retrograde Mars also stirs the pot. Wild and crazy times!

Get very clear about what you truly want. Hang on to what you love and value no matter what.



Watery New Moon and Eclipse

New moon in watery Cancer. Big emotions are intensified by a partial solar eclipse and Pluto in opposition. In these chaotic times, remember to nurture and care for yourself. Even badass warriors need me-time!

Take loving care of yourself so you have the focus & passion to care for your world.



Learn more about this new moon time

“Sometimes ‘revolutionary’ is just recognizing our feelings
and need for love and connection and doing something about it,
perhaps releasing the victim there.”
~Pat Liles, The Power Path