New Moon in Playful Gemini

New moon in airy spontaneous Gemini.

Life can get stuffy and boring if you let it. Now is the perfect time to let your creativity and spontaneity flow! Your inner wild child wants to play. Let her OUT!


Expansive Full Moon

Revel in this ‪expansive full moon in Sagittarius, the sacred archer.

Now is a great time to expand your life’s quest.

Go after what you truly want to create in your life.

Breathe deep and leap into action!‬

‪ ‬


Taurus Moon and Uranus

‪This new moon in earthy Taurus is amplified by Uranus
moving into Taurus as well.‬

‪A big shift has begun. 
It’s about honoring and valuing
the feminine within ourselves and our Earth. ‬

‪Great time to connect with Body and Earth
from a space of love.‬



Hers is the Power

Sacred Mother of Us All

Hers is the power of the pouncing lioness, the roar of a hurricane, the swoop of an eagle, the crashing of a wave, the gentle force of the moon on the tides, the unleashing of a mighty orgasm, the contractions of labour, the spider weaving a web of gossamer silk…”

~Lucy Pearce, Burning Woman




Watery Full Moon in Scorpio

Full moon in Scorpio, queen of deep watery emotions.

Call on your spiritual support.

Take time to nurture and be kind to yourself.

Go deep!

What does your beautiful Soul require?

Do that now.



Fiery Aries New Moon

This fiery warrior new moon in Aries also has
Uranus nearby, stirring things up.
You may be feeling chaotic, off-balance, wild.
When things get this crazy, it’s time to “go to ground.”

Calm yourself with daily exercise, yoga
or some other physical activity.
Better yet, spend time walking or sitting
with Mother Nature.
She will calm you.

