You Are A Living Offering

go now with sage in your heart
let your very breath be the smudge stick
that cleanses every dark thought
every shame, every harsh circumstance

you are sweetgrass and pollen
rose hips and hollyhock
a living offering to She who walks
the earth through you

She who stands in the center
of your labyrinth soul
burn hot breathe deep
and become the incense of wild woman
smoke rising from your fingertips
to bless everything you touch

~Angi Sullins

Artist unknown

On A Clear Day

The way the field
holds the shadow of the cottonwood,
this is how life holds me.

Holds me, no matter my shape.
Holds me with no effort.
Holds my darkness and knows it

as weightless, as transient,
as something that will shift,
disappear, return, and shift again.

It never says no to me.
I am still learning to trust life, to trust
no matter how I show up, I will be held.

Trust that my life is not a problem.
Trust that as much as I am the shadow,
I am also the field.

~Rosemary Wahtola Trommer

Photo by NancyL

The Truth of You

“You are a story the
ocean is telling
the sky

the stars speak your name
the moon sings
in your veins
the selkies who swim
through harbor and lagoon
remember you
with liquid eyes

come home
to the timeless tide
to the truth of you
hidden like witchlight
under your skin
come home to your
true story
the one hidden like
sunken treasure
who you think you are
and who the world
told you
you could be


you are more than
the roles you play
for others
and the ones you try on
for yourself
you are more than
your fear
more than your
and pain

come away
from the harsh
dry land of limitation
move away
from the shoreline
of approval
the sharp rocks of fitting in
will only bruise your
luminous skin

lay down
all you think you know
that habit of smallness
the sting of bigness
let what is unworthy
drift out from you


allow the waves
of possibility
to cradle your
soul-drenched heart


on the current of ancestors
those who burned and bled
who gave all so you
could embody
what they could not
so that you could become


spread your arms wide
like hope
and your legs wild
like abandon
feel your spine loosen
with silk and

you belong to She who holds
the deep in her lap
She is not afraid of the dark

She is the dark

and you are
the pearl
she is crafting
from chaos and crisis
look at you shine
every bit of you

~Angi Sullins


Art: The Energy of Me
by Nancy Lankston

A Proper Feminist Nativity

A Modern Madonna by Caro Dranow

“i like my nativities
with a side of heresy
with midwives and mothers
and empty mangers
and full arms

i like wise women
over wise men
attending to bloody people
born and crucified
showing up in places
church leaders won’t go

i like heralding feminist agendas
and trouble
and god’s good news
which is kind of repetitive
since they’re all the same thing

proper churches
want proper nativities
because women’s bodies
are shameful
whether bearing christ
or just bare

and instead of silent nights
i like loud protests
be silent
is not a phrase about joy
but about control

so give me a christmas
without white supremacy
and bright sexism
where the story of a baby
becomes a story of a woman
and my nativity looks like
and not like

~ Kaitlin Hardy Shetler

Let’s Go Get Her

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a cartwheel
hair flying
in full tumble
throwing yourself
with mad delight
into the arms of
wind and spirit

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a starkeeper
your wishes alone
kept the stars aloft
in a velvet sky
of invitation and belonging

you knew the sylvan
truth of fireflies
and trailed their
golden lantern path
over silvered meadow
into to the lullaby
of fairyland

the moon was a
grandmother from a tale
you still remembered
watching over your every move
look! you said. Look!
everywhere we go
the moon follows us
all the way home

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
acorns were goblin hats
trees were secret keepers
clouds were sky puppets
butterflies and honey bees
were emissaries of otherwhere
guarding the old stories
adults had already forgotten
to remember

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you moved through
the world like it was
your back yard
elbows made of frolic
knees made of wonder
fingers and toes a whirl
of color and possibility

your mind was full of
and your heart was full
of Oz
your body was still
a playground
and a confidant
and a friend

remember her?
she got lost somewhere
between the shame
and the sin
but she’s still there
cartwheel smile
moonbeam soul
fairy tale girl
in love with
her own life
in love with you
bawdy and soul

she’s still in there
daring, brazen
wild with

~Ang Sullins

I’ll Tell You A Secret

Anyone who says, “Here’s my address,
write me a poem,” deserves something in reply.
So I’ll tell a secret instead:
poems hide.
In the bottoms of our shoes,
they are sleeping.
They are the shadows
drifting across our ceilings
the moment before we wake up.
What we have to do
is live in a way that lets us find them.

~Naomi Shihab Nye

Image: Pink Sherbet Photography