Emotional Harvest Moon

Image by Katsiaryna Naliuka

Harvest full moon in watery, emotional Pisces is conjunct Neptune. The fiery chaos of the past few months has finally quieted down a bit. The prevailing energies flow with dreamy, surreal emotions.

Over the next few days, a convergence of energies occurs that creates a healing portal or nexus point.

Pay attention to how you react to people and events this week. Do you have an odd or oversized reaction to something? Pause and look closely at anything that upsets you. Is your reaction about here and now? Or some earlier unresolved event? Charged childhood and/or past life memories may surface and bleed into current events.

Whatever surfaces, whether from this lifetime or another, it is arising to be healed. Spend time examining, honoring and loving whatever arises. It will be time well spent.

New Moon in Cancer

A New Portal Opens

New moon in Cancer, the nurturing mama. This new moon is amplified by the annular solar eclipse that occurred right after the moon reached zero point in Cancer. New moon energies of change and transformation are running even higher than normal.

This natural seed point is the perfect time to get still and examine your current life. Think about what you want to seed and grow.

What is not serving you that you can now release?
What do you want to turn your energy and focus toward?
What do you want to add to your life?
What does your Soul crave?
How can you move in that direction, even if it’s only a few baby steps?

This time is a portal into your future. Allow yourself to ponder, fantasize and dream about which door you will choose to step through.

Cancer is a watery, highly emotional sign. Be gentle with yourself as you ponder your life and your future.


Solstice Eclipse Portal

This is the solstice, the still point
of the sun, its cusp and midnight,
the year’s threshold
and unlocking, where the past
lets go of and becomes the future;
the place of caught breath, the door
of a vanished house left ajar…

~Margaret Atwood
