On the Trail of the Wild Feminine
Nancy Lankston
“We don’t need someone to show us the ropes. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Deep inside us we know the feelings we need to guide us. Our task is to learn to trust our inner knowing.”
~Sonia Johnson
Chinese legends tell us that when the heavens and earth were separated, the Goddess Nu Kua made the first humans out of clay made from mud from the Yellow River. Her breath and Yin became the first women; Her breath and Yang became the first men.
She is said to have the upper body of a woman, and the lower body of a serpent or dragon. (Similar to the Mesopotamian Goddess Tiamat).
Creatrix Nu Kua re-established order on the earth after a terrible rebellion. She melted stones to rebuild the sky, used tortoise toes to mark the four directions, and reeds to hold back overflowing rivers. Once this was done, the earth returned to its former beauty.
Nu Kua plays her sacred flute, spreading good fortune and opportunity, and creating order from chaos.
“There is a Way
and I am that Way
the Way of Nature that moves in all things
In the beginning
I created the universal pattern
the Way things are
the Way things flow
the Way things need to be
I sequenced the seasons
harmonized the hillsides
organized the oceans
till all was auspiciously arranged
I am the natural order of things
I am the Way.”
Source: The Goddess Oracle by
Amy Sophia Marashinsky
and Wikipedia
art by Hrana Janto
“Tell your story.
Shout it. Write it.
Whisper it if you have to.
But tell it.
Some won’t understand it.
Some will outright reject it.
But many will
thank you for it.
And then the most
magical thing will happen.
One by one, voices will start
whispering, ‘Me, too.’
And your tribe will gather.
And you will never
feel alone again.”
~L.R. Knost
Wolf image artist unknown
In honor of Women’s History Month, I’d like to introduce you to Alice Paul.
Alice was a Quaker suffragist and a leader in the fight to secure US women the vote. While protesting women’s inability to vote, Alice was arrested a total of seven times and imprisoned three times. She was force fed for days while in prison. But Alice continued to champion non-violent civil disobedience. The 19th amendment was finally passed in 1919, and ratified in 1920, securing US women the right to vote.
Alice is the author of the Equal Rights Amendment, written in 1923 but still not ratified. She died in 1977 at the age of 92, but she continues to inspire many women in their fight for equality today.
Want to know more about Alice Paul and the decades long struggle by women to earn the right to vote? Check out the movie Iron Jawed Angels, starring Hilary Swank.
“Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.”
~Alice Paul