New Moon in Taurus

The dark of a Taurus new moon is upon us.

The beautiful, dark, loamy soil of our Earth Mother holds the deep wisdom of Taurus. Sacred earth and sacred body are the foundation of this life.

Use the elemental wisdom of earth to come home to the here and now. Sink into the physical. Revel in body sensations; smells, tastes, textures, movements.

Call on the energies of this earthy new moon and the divine Earth Mother to hold you and help you.

Come down to ground.


Image: Moon in Mountains
by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash

Capricorn New Moon

New moon in earthy Capricorn, the sign of the ancient grandmothers.

What would your great-great grandmother say about the chaos and uncertainty we are all experiencing right now?

This too shall pass.

Time to get deeply grounded in the physical world. What do you see, hear, taste, smell, feel in this moment? Focus on your senses and the physical world. Keep coming back to the physical whenever you feel upset or off balance.

Keep breathing. Keep moving. Don’t let yourself freeze up.

One step at a time.


Image: Susan Seddon Boulet

Sensual Taurus Moon

Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Full moon in Taurus, the earthy, sensual one. This moon beckons you to reach for physical pleasures. Meanwhile, the Sun in Scorpio wants you to dive deep into your feelings. The question is, can you do both? 

Create a sensory experience for yourself; explore yummy foods, scents that call to you, beautiful tunes, sensual touch, joyful movement… Get lusciously physical.

Pause and notice the emotions that surface when you treat yourself this way. Is there a part of you that pushes pleasure away? Will you allow yourself to have just a little more pleasure?




Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Get Physical

Earthy Taurus new moon time. Get physical. Stimulate and activate your senses in luscious ways; the beauty of nature, favorite music, movement, yummy foods and scents, sensual touch.

Physical pleasure is the perfect antidote to the ongoing chaos and craziness of our world. Get physical now!
