Visionary Full Moon

Full moon in Aquarius, the visionary. Tonight is the perfect time to sit with the moon and meditate on the future you want to create. Ask for a good vision to catch you.

Ask. Get still. Listen.

May a good vision catch me
May a benevolent vision take hold of me, and move me
May a deep and full vision come over me, and burst open around me
May a luminous vision inform me, enfold me.
May I awaken into the story that surrounds,
May I awaken into the beautiful story.
May the wondrous story find me;
May the wildness that makes beauty arise between two lovers
arise beautifully between my body and the body of this land,
between my flesh and the flesh of this earth,
here and now,
on this day,
May I taste something sacred.

~David Abram


Image by Daria Hlazatova

Dream with the Capricorn Full Moon

Our Moon is full in Capricorn, the earthy sign of ancient grandmother wisdom. And with the Sun in watery Cancer, this is a potent time to explore the feminine Yin energies of elemental earth and water through the eyes of the moon.

Silence your phone, settle into your chair and allow me to guide you into a moonlit forest…



My Kind of World

“Shamans live in a world where the Creator is not separate from the Creation, Heaven is not separate from Earth, and Spirit and matter infuse each other. There is no division between the body and the spirit, nor between the visible world of form and the invisible world of energy.”

~Alberto Villoldo


Image: Healer
by Susan Seddon Boulet

In Every Breath

“The worst thing we ever did
was put God in the sky
out of reach

pulling the divinity
from the leaf,
sifting out the holy from our bones,
insisting God isn’t bursting dazzlement
through everything we’ve made
a hard commitment to see as ordinary,
stripping the sacred from everywhere
to put in a cloud man elsewhere,
prying closeness from your heart.

The worst thing we ever did
was take the dance and the song
out of prayer
made it sit up straight
and cross its legs
removed it of rejoicing
wiped clean its hip sway,
its questions,
its ecstatic yowl,
its tears.

The worst thing we ever did is pretend
God isn’t the easiest thing
in this Universe
available to every soul
in every breath”

~Chelan Harkin
from her book, ‘Susceptible to Light’

Image: Moonlight
by Felicia Olin

Wild Gemini Moon

Full moon in wild and airy Gemini, lover of crazy coyote wisdom. AND a lunar eclipse tonight opens up a portal ripe with crazy possibilities.

Crazy times beg for odd and unusual acts. What you seek will not be found through logic or normal behavior. So, sing a bawdy song or two. Dance a wild jig. Stand on your head awhile. Howl at the moon. Embrace your inner wild one.

Blow up your stale routines and make an opening for crazy Heyoka wisdom to flow into you.



Heyoka is a Native American word that means ‘sacred clown’ or ‘fool’. Heyoka use humor and tricks to startle or jolt people out of their normal thinking and open their minds to new possibilities.

Image: Howling Coyote

She is the Source

Sculpture by Agnes Arellano

She is intuition,
she is far-seer,
she is deep listener,
she is loyal heart.
She encourages humans to remain multilingual;
fluent in the languages of dreams, passion, and poetry.
She whispers from night dreams,
she leaves behind on the terrain of a woman’s soul
a coarse hair and muddy footprints.
These fill women with longing to find her, free her, and love her.
She is ideas, feelings, urges, and memory.
She has been lost and half-forgotten for a long, long time.
She is the source,
the light,
the night,
the dark,
and daybreak.

~Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Aries Warrior Full Moon

Full moon in Aries, the fiery spiritual warrior. Yes, the world is on fire. You’re not imagining it.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes offers great advice for spiritual warriors in these wild times:

“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire.

To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these — to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.

When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for.” ~Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Remember to BREATHE. Even spiritual warriors need to take a break and rest once in a while. And ask for support if and when you need it.



Creative Commons Photo
by Katsiaryna Naliuka