Airy Full Moon in Aquarius

Full moon in airy Aquarius and change is in the air. Now is a great time to think about what you would like to shift or change about your life. Consider all your options – even the wild and whimsical ones.

We are still in a state of flux, so don’t make final plans yet – simply consider your options.


Art: Taking the Moon for a boat ride’
by DD Mclinnes

The Truth of You

“You are a story the
ocean is telling
the sky

the stars speak your name
the moon sings
in your veins
the selkies who swim
through harbor and lagoon
remember you
with liquid eyes

come home
to the timeless tide
to the truth of you
hidden like witchlight
under your skin
come home to your
true story
the one hidden like
sunken treasure
who you think you are
and who the world
told you
you could be


you are more than
the roles you play
for others
and the ones you try on
for yourself
you are more than
your fear
more than your
and pain

come away
from the harsh
dry land of limitation
move away
from the shoreline
of approval
the sharp rocks of fitting in
will only bruise your
luminous skin

lay down
all you think you know
that habit of smallness
the sting of bigness
let what is unworthy
drift out from you


allow the waves
of possibility
to cradle your
soul-drenched heart


on the current of ancestors
those who burned and bled
who gave all so you
could embody
what they could not
so that you could become


spread your arms wide
like hope
and your legs wild
like abandon
feel your spine loosen
with silk and

you belong to She who holds
the deep in her lap
She is not afraid of the dark

She is the dark

and you are
the pearl
she is crafting
from chaos and crisis
look at you shine
every bit of you

~Angi Sullins


Art: The Energy of Me
by Nancy Lankston

Net Of Light


“And if, when it is all over, I am asked what I did with my life,
I want to be able to say I offered LOVE .”
~Terri St. Cloud


In gratitude for the Ghost Ranch Net of Light Gathering September 2023.

Photo by NancyL

I Gave Up


I gave up
On healing my trauma
I gave up
On practicing the skills
To become whole
Today I gave up
On evolving
Into that ever elusive
Better version of myself
Today I submitted
To the wound of love
I stopped pointing at it
Looking at it
Soothing it
Tweaking it
Fixing it
Finessing it
Hiding it
Polishing it
I stopped this game of separation
I crawled inside the wound
And spread it open
I decided to wear it like a gown
I accepted my total and utter
To be anything else
But me

~Maya Luna

Shout It. Write It. Tell It.

“Tell your story.
Shout it. Write it.
Whisper it if you have to.
But tell it.
Some won’t understand it.
Some will outright reject it.
But many will
thank you for it.

And then the most
magical thing will happen.
One by one, voices will start
whispering, ‘Me, too.’
And your tribe will gather.
And you will never
feel alone again.”

~L.R. Knost

Wolf image artist unknown