Earthy New Moon

New moon in earthy Virgo, sign of the earth priestess.

Virgo is all about honoring the rhythms and cycles and seasons of this beautiful planet.

As Summer is drawing to a close in the northern hemisphere, this is the perfect time to perform a simple ritual in honor of the seasons.

Light a candle, say a prayer or make an offering to Mama Earth. Express your gratitude for our beautiful, sacred planet and its seasons.


Priestess Full Moon

A poem in honor of this potent full moon in Virgo, the sign of the earth priestess…

A fire in the night
light up seeing
stars twinkle

and the Moon
is on her way
down the road

we turned
around and around
until we knew

in our broken bones
what was true
and red birds flew

the sky got more blue
over the green sea
we prayed unto

our Mother who knew
chaos would crumble,
our power would rumble

and this moment
brought destiny
to Her knees.

~Hunni Bloom


Art by HolgaJen (Etsy)

Virgo Earth Goddess Full Moon

Full moon in Virgo, the sign of the Earth Goddess / Priestess. This moon is sometimes called the worm moon. It is the closest full moon to spring equinox.

Here in the northern hemisphere, the ground is beginning to thaw and the worms are stirring. Mama Earth is waking up. Have faith. Spring is on its way.

Now is the perfect time to set intentions and make plans for spring.

What does your heart desire after the long, dark months? Shake off the cobwebs of winter and take a step or two towards your desire now.



Image from Queen of the Moon Oracle

Full Moon in Virgo

Mama Earth, Our Home

Full moon in earthy Virgo, the keeper of Earth’s rhythms and cycles.

Don’t be surprised if you catch yourself delving into the details of issues and habits that need to change. Analysis can be a great use of Virgo energy, but try not to overdo it. Be gentle with yourself. You really don’t need to alter every aspect of your life.

With the moon now in Virgo and spring equinox just around the corner, it is the perfect time to connect with and honor Mama Earth.

Spend some time out in nature, and express your gratitude to Mama Earth for the food, water, air and shelter she provides. No need to create an elaborate ritual; simply express your love and gratitude to Mama Earth in some simple way.

Image from NASA

Self-Healing New Moon

New moon in Virgo, the grounded, earthy priestess of rhythms and cycles. In addition, Venus is hanging out with Spica, amplifying the feminine energies and mysteries.

Make self-awareness and self-healing your focus for this Virgo new moon cycle. Sort out what you need to survive and thrive in these chaotic times.

Expect to have your own issues bubble up as you focus on what you need. You can run, but you can’t hide. Try to avoid blaming someone or something outside of yourself for the issues that surface. Inner work is the key that will unlock your life.

Make your own healing and inner peace your priority. You’re worth it.


Earthy Full Moon

Snow Mandala

Full moon in earthy Virgo, keeper of Earth’s cycles, rhythms and mysteries. Virgo is lover of green trees furry creatures, running streams, buzzing bees, soil and stone.

Now is the perfect time to embrace your inner Earth priestess or priest. Earthy rituals are particularly powerful when the moon is full in Virgo.

Offer love and honor to Mama Earth; create a mandala out of objects from Nature, sing a song of gratitude to Earth and Sky, offer up a joyful poem to your favorite tree, sit with the land and give it your loving attention, light a candle and express your appreciation for the air, food, water and shelter our Earth provides, sit in the light of the full moon tonight and express your wonder about the mystery of it all…

There are a thousand different ways to love and honor our sacred Earth. Choose one and do it now. Do it for the land where you live.



The Earth does not belong to us:
we belong to the Earth.”
~Marlee Matlin

Virgo Moon

Dark Moon in Virgo

Dark moon time in Virgo, keeper of Earth’s cycles and rhythms. Mama Earth turns towards autumn in this seasonal time of letting go. Honor the shift with an Earth prayer or offering of gratitude.

Fiery change is all around us. Tend gently to your heart. Call on your spiritual support to help hold a vision of the future you desire. Remember that when chaos reigns, anything is possible.

Open your heart again and again. Help others when you’re able. And when you don’t feel able, ask for help. Now is the time to begin loving our world whole.

