Aquarius New Moon and Year of the Wood Snake

New moon in airy Aquarius, the visionary. Mercury and Pluto are also in Aquarius, stirring things up and bringing our shadows into the light.

Aquarius is all about creating unity for all beings here on Earth, despite our differences. Aquarius reminds us of our shared humanity.


Today also marks the beginning of the Chinese and Tibetan year of the wood snake.

Yin wood snake represents the embodied Divine Feminine who knows her worth, her power and her magic. Snake is deeply connected to Mama Earth. She moves intuitively, quietly and intentionally through the world.

Snake will observe all before making a decisive strike at the right moment. She is always evolving – shedding old skins for new ways of being.

Watery Yin New Moon

New moon in nurturing, watery Cancer. Time to slow down and love up yourself.

You may be feeling confused, emotional, exhausted. After all, you’re only human. The past year has been filled with so much stormy change and chaos. How could you not be affected by wave after wave of change?

Try not to think so much. Rest and regroup. Get watery. Relax in water, drink water, move like water. Remember, you ARE mostly water. Reconnect with watery, flowing ways of being.

Go with the flow of how you’re feeling. Give yourself time and space to emotionally process everything that has happened to you in the past year. Clear the decks before the next wave hits.


Wave image by Nancy L

Let Softness Carry You

“Soak your life
with wildflowers
and rivers.

Breathe in honey
and the moon.

Bring in softness
whenever you can.

Softness can carry you
over the sharpest
of grounds.

Like wind and water”

~Victoria Erickson


Image: Her Rocks, Her Water, Her Light
by Miko,

Dream with the Capricorn Full Moon

Our Moon is full in Capricorn, the earthy sign of ancient grandmother wisdom. And with the Sun in watery Cancer, this is a potent time to explore the feminine Yin energies of elemental earth and water through the eyes of the moon.

Silence your phone, settle into your chair and allow me to guide you into a moonlit forest…



Be Gentle

The deer say
be gentle with you
It is a time to be courageous
in gentler ways
People cannot bully their way into creating magic
It is the gentle heart that will find the way forward
It is the gentle hearted who will find strength in the journey
who know that their gentle ways are forged with love
There IS nothing stronger.

~Jude Downes


Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins, Unsplash