New Moon, New Year

Earthy new moon in Capricorn. And a new year is on the horizon.

Make room for deep inner reflection. Consider what has been in the past, then let it go with love and gratitude.

It’s time to lay the foundation for a new chapter in your story. What do you want to create going forward?



Art by Colleen Wallace Nungari

Earthy Full Moon

Photo by Gavin Mackintosh South Molton, United Kingdom

Full moon in earthy Taurus and things are crazy! Everything is stirred up and nothing is as it seems.

Ground, ground, ground.
Get outside and walk, sit or lie on the Earth.
Breathe and ground.


And the bees have a message for us:

Hush now. The wounds run deep,
but the bees are full of knowing.

They know the hive of your heart,
each crooked curled chamber
each hopeful hidden curve,
each darkened holding cell.

They have come with wings and song and pollen.
They have come to harvest each mistake
each broken vessel, to touch the jagged edges
of betrayal and lost chances,
to collect your failures one by one,
making honey from the bitter
making music in the void
making wings where there were wounds.

Hush now. Sleep well.
The night is alive with forgiveness
and your heart is a hive
made for honey made for love.

~Angi Sullins


Earthy New Moon

New moon in earthy Virgo, sign of the earth priestess.

Virgo is all about honoring the rhythms and cycles and seasons of this beautiful planet.

As Summer is drawing to a close in the northern hemisphere, this is the perfect time to perform a simple ritual in honor of the seasons.

Light a candle, say a prayer or make an offering to Mama Earth. Express your gratitude for our beautiful, sacred planet and its seasons.


On A Clear Day

The way the field
holds the shadow of the cottonwood,
this is how life holds me.

Holds me, no matter my shape.
Holds me with no effort.
Holds my darkness and knows it

as weightless, as transient,
as something that will shift,
disappear, return, and shift again.

It never says no to me.
I am still learning to trust life, to trust
no matter how I show up, I will be held.

Trust that my life is not a problem.
Trust that as much as I am the shadow,
I am also the field.

~Rosemary Wahtola Trommer

Photo by NancyL

Out of Bounds Full Moon

A 2nd full moon in earthy Capricorn is happening now. This full moon is out of bounds so emotions may run high. Anything goes.

What wisdom does the ancient Capricorn grandmother have to share with you?

Pause, get still and listen.



Artist unknown

Solstice Full Moon

Full moon in earthy Capricorn. Summer solstice vibes add to the mix .

All the energies are a bit wild right now. Try to find balance – do whatever helps to calm you in the midst of craziness.


Artist unknown

Sensual New Moon in Taurus

New moon in earthy Taurus, lover of sensual pleasures and beauty.

Time to get physical.
Play in the dirt.
Soak in a hot bath.
Savor yummy food.
Smell the flowers.
Take a long walk.
Kiss, hug and touch.

Revel in the pleasures of the physical now.
