Being Me

I gave up
On healing my trauma
I gave up
On practicing the skills
To become whole
Today I gave up
On evolving
Into that ever elusive
Better version of myself
Today I submitted
To the wound of love
I stopped pointing at it
Looking at it
Soothing it
Tweaking it
Fixing it
Finessing it
Hiding it
Polishing it
I stopped this game of separation
I crawled inside the wound
And spread it open
I decided to wear it like a gown
I accepted my total and utter
To be anything else
But me

~Maya Luna

New Moon in Sagittarius

Fiery new moon in Sagittarius, the soulful adventurer. With Sagittarius lighting a fire within you, a desire to leap in new directions may fill you.

New experiences and changes can be wonderfully healing, life affirming and transformative. Just remember that every fire needs a protective fire ring or container – even the fire of passion. Create a controlled burn, NOT a raging inferno.

Note: The new moon was exact on Nov. 26, but travel made posting impossible. No worries – energies of the new moon continue to have an impact for 3-5 days.


Sensual Taurus Moon

Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Full moon in Taurus, the earthy, sensual one. This moon beckons you to reach for physical pleasures. Meanwhile, the Sun in Scorpio wants you to dive deep into your feelings. The question is, can you do both? 

Create a sensory experience for yourself; explore yummy foods, scents that call to you, beautiful tunes, sensual touch, joyful movement… Get lusciously physical.

Pause and notice the emotions that surface when you treat yourself this way. Is there a part of you that pushes pleasure away? Will you allow yourself to have just a little more pleasure?




Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

The Unspeaking Center

She who reconciles the ill-matched threads
of her life, and weaves them gratefully
into a single cloth—
it’s she who drives the loudmouths from the hall
and clears it for a different celebration

where the one guest is you.
In the softness of evening
it’s you she receives.

You are the partner of her loneliness,
the unspeaking center of her monologues.
With each disclosure you encompass more
and she stretches beyond what limits her,
to hold you.

~Rainer Maria Rilke



Dark Moon in Scorpio

Gifts of teh Dark

We are in the dark of a new moon in watery Scorpio now. And Uranus, the agent of radical change in opposition is increasing Scorpio’s normal intensity. 

“The only way out is in. The only way beyond is through.” ~Bryan Ellis 

The dark goddess who rules Scorpio embodies the deep truth of this quote. She beckons to us from the dark, whispering that deep healing will be ours if only we will look within and own every part of ourselves; the fears, the shame, the rage, the guilt… even the desires we won’t give voice to. 

Don’t run way. Sit in your dark. Feel it’s healing power. Hold it close. Love it. Love it all.

