Love Your Mama Audio Recording

Here is an audio recording of the Love Your Mama Event I held earlier today:

Take a guided dream journey in the shamanic style and ask the land and waters how you can help. Call on the Celtic Goddess Danu – the ancient, primordial mother of all things – and ask for guidance.

How can you be of service to Mama Earth? 
What does the land ask of you?
What do the waters have to share?
How can you tend to the needs of Mother Danu / Pachamama / Gaia on Earth Day and every day?

Navigating The New Moon In Aries

Divination for this New Moon in Aries,
The Fiery Spiritual Warrior

2 The Seer – inspiration, wisdom, inner vision, shamanic flight, Soul healing, empathy with nature, oracular prophecy

The time has come to focus your power and let it flow through you. Many dreams or desires related to the creative emotional process are ready to be applied in your day-to-day life and you must give vent to those hidden or suppressed longings… The manifestation of inner spiritual or esoteric insights into your practical and physical daily life will bring profound rewards and results.

King of Arrows Kingfisher – intelligence, strength, watchfulness, counseling, ability to judge true from false

You may need to exercise judgment, power, force of will. The king is impartial and helps you to see clearly what you no longer need to hold onto. Use your strength to cut yourself free of what weighs you down.



Cards drawn from Wildwood Tarot

Mother Goddess Danu

It seems fitting to share Goddess Danu, the Celtic Mother Goddess associated with the earth, the elements, fertility and abundance on St. Patrick’s Day.

Great primordial mother Danu birthed all things, including the Gods. She has always been here. Goddess Danu holds all things and presides over all stages of life, death and rebirth.

It is said that Mother Danu passed on some of her magic and wisdom to members of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the original tribe of Ireland. The tribe’s name literally means ‘the peoples of the goddess Danu”.

As an elemental Nature Goddess, Danu is present in the soil and stone and waters of our Earth. She whispers her wisdom on the wind.

You can connect with Danu by sitting with, and listening to wild, uncivilized nature.

Grá mór (Big Love)



Image: waterfall in Glencar Ireland
by Nancy Lankston

Navigating The New Moon In Pisces

Divination for this Pisces New Moon

18 – Magic Stream. When you remember you’re part of the fluid continuity of life, you become a channel for great inspiration. Allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality.

36 – Commitment. Others are more willing to enter into partnership at this time. Remember that your partnership with Spirit – and the highest version of your own self – will engage the highest version in another.

30 – Making A Choice. You’re faced with a dilemma or fork in the road and must make a conscious choice regarding the next right action.



Cards drawn from The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards.

Card Draw for Aquarius Moon Cycle

Divination for the collective
drawn on January 21.

Raven – creation, magic, illumination
Bear – healing, divinity, invulnerability

Choose the card that calls to you. What word or words come up for you? What qualities of that animal do you possess?

The word that came up for me was cunning. This describes both Bear and Raven – although they express cunning quite differently.

Meditate or journey and ask what wisdom that animal holds that will help you navigate this month.



Cards Animal Spirits Knowledge Deck
Images painted by Susan Seddon Boulet.

Wisdom Unlocked

The small man
Builds cages for everyone
He knows.
While the sage,
Who has to duck his head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the



translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Creative Commons image