Tending Solstice Fire

Join me in a guided Earth Tending in honor of sacred sunlight and Solstice.


Solstice is the perfect time to tend to the elemental fire of the sacred Sun that warms us and makes life possible on Earth.

Take a guided shamanic journey to honor and tend to elemental fire and sunlight. This Shamanism Without Borders tending was recorded a few days ago on Summer Solstice.

Click Here to access the audio recording.

Dreaming Wild with Water

Free Shamanic Event
11AM Mountain on March 6th, 2024

Mountain waters are beginning to thaw and flow freely. Spring is on its way.

Let’s gather together and journey to the waters and ask what we can do to help them to clear and heal. How can we help our beautiful, watery planet to restore balance?

Water is Life. Let’s connect and help water in any way we can.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 7526 4448
Passcode: 326434

Dreaming Wild Event on February 7th

Love Your Mama

Let’s gather together and journey to the elements and elementals to ask what we can do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance. How can we help Mama Earth and all her creatures to survive and thrive?

In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can.

11AM Mountain on February 7th, 2024.


Link to join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 838 7686 2285
Passcode: 021407

This is a FREE event hosted by Nancy Lankston on Zoom.

Recording of How Can We Help, Mama Earth?

Love Your Mama

In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can.

Take a guided shamanic journey to Mama Earth. Ask how you can help her and all her creatures. Discover what you can personally do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance.

The recording of this event is now available here:


Love Your Mama Audio Recording

Here is an audio recording of the Love Your Mama Event I held earlier today:

Take a guided dream journey in the shamanic style and ask the land and waters how you can help. Call on the Celtic Goddess Danu – the ancient, primordial mother of all things – and ask for guidance.

How can you be of service to Mama Earth? 
What does the land ask of you?
What do the waters have to share?
How can you tend to the needs of Mother Danu / Pachamama / Gaia on Earth Day and every day?

Elemental Dreaming: Moon Wisdom

Image by Katsiaryna Naliuka

Please join me Thursday December 15th for a FREE Wild Feminine Path event.

We will focus on connecting with the ancient wisdom of Grandma Moon.

I will guide you into DreamSpace in the shamanic style where we will chillax and commune with the waning last quarter moon. It’s a wonderful way to drop in, get yin and embrace the beauty of this season.

What wild and sacred wisdom does Grandma Moon want to share with us?.


Elemental Dreaming with Grandma Moon
Free Zoom Event
Thursday December 15th, 2022
6 PM Mountain (8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific)

Link to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 572 248 8733
Passcode: V2cRf1

Can’t attend live? No worries. This event will be recorded.
Simply email me to receive a link to the recording.


I will no longer whisper my prayers in secret 
for fear of being called a wild-eyed witch.
Look for me in the forest, 

howling at the moon.