New Moon of Justice

New moon in Libra, the wise, airy queen of Justice and balanced relationships. Is it a coincidence that Justice and our ideas about right and wrong are being debated on both the US and British political stages right now? Perhaps the Libra queen, Justice herself, is schooling us.

The queen of Justice holds the scales of balance in one hand. She uses the sword held in her other hand to cut through deception and illusion in order to expose the truth. Owl, ancient symbol of wisdom, sits on her shoulder guiding her actions as she restores balance to the world.

What does Justice look like and feel like when she shows up in your personal life? Now is the perfect time to align more closely with your definition of Justice. When you acknowledge and serve Justice, balance and peace of mind naturally follow.


Watery Full Moon

Full moon in watery Pisces. You may feel like your inner emotional waters are running too high this week. No, you’re not crazy – this is an especially emotional time.

Honor whatever you’re feeling. It’s all normal.

Try sitting with Mama Earth and allowing those difficult feelings to surface and run down into her. Earth will hold you, calm you and compost your pain and rage and grief if you let her.


Capricorn Full Moon

Full moon in earthy Capricorn. Retrograde Saturn, Pluto and a partial lunar eclipse add to the mix. The normally creative builder energy of Capricorn, Is in a more destructive clearing away phase right now.

Ready or not, your shadow is out. The old rules of life may not hold much longer. Literally everything is up for debate.

Self care is key to managing this level of change. Create a calm safe space you can root into and relax within. Try to love every wiggle and wobble you make as you feel your way into a new future.

Wild and Stormy New Moon

New moon in watery Cancer. A total solar eclipse cauldron of energy complicates Cancer’s normal emotional focus today. The world may seem even more wild and chaotic than usual — like you are at sea in the midst of a big storm. Solar eclipses carry the energy of transformative shift, and the journey through a big shift can be quite intense.

This too shall pass.

Find a way to ground and anchor yourself. Use comfort foods, music, movement and other activities that tend to calm you. Avoid the news if you find yourself stirred up to the point of anxiety.

New moon and total eclipse energy will catalyze any intentions that you set now. But get in a calm, collected frame of mind first.


Image: Stormy Sea by Gustave Courbet, 1869

Fiery Full Moon

Image: Fire Dragon by Nancy Lankston

Fiery full moon in Sagittarius aligned with the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Meanwhile Jupiter and Neptune are squaring each other, and Pluto is stirring up Saturn . What crazy potent times we live in!

Huge expansive shifts are possible IF you are willing to release and burn away the ancient fears and rules that keep you bound in place.

Let that old crap go. Then dream into the heart of what you truly desire.


Chaos and Change

Stormy full moon in airy Libra. The pace of change in our world has accelerated again under the influence of change agent Uranus now in Taurus. Time to remember that even good change brings chaos in its wake.

You may feel waves of deep emotion washing over you and through you. Find a safe place to drop anchor, get still and allow your emotions to move freely. The result will be a deep and healing cleanse.

This too shall pass.


Late Winter Moon Message

There is confusion,
So much confusion
But try to breathe and trust
The green, the sprouting time
Is almost here.

This moment, this sacred moment
Is the dark just before dawn
Pregnant dark, promising dark
Luscious dark
That soon turns to light.

Breathe and Trust.


Aries new moon