Aquarius Full Moon and Eclipse

Airy Aquarius full moon with a total lunar eclipse clears the air. All kinds of BS falls away. Retrograde Mars also stirs the pot. Wild and crazy times!

Get very clear about what you truly want. Hang on to what you love and value no matter what.



Watery New Moon and Eclipse

New moon in watery Cancer. Big emotions are intensified by a partial solar eclipse and Pluto in opposition. In these chaotic times, remember to nurture and care for yourself. Even badass warriors need me-time!

Take loving care of yourself so you have the focus & passion to care for your world.



Learn more about this new moon time

“Sometimes ‘revolutionary’ is just recognizing our feelings
and need for love and connection and doing something about it,
perhaps releasing the victim there.”
~Pat Liles, The Power Path

Expansive Full Moon

Revel in this ‪expansive full moon in Sagittarius, the sacred archer.

Now is a great time to expand your life’s quest.

Go after what you truly want to create in your life.

Breathe deep and leap into action!‬

‪ ‬


Watery Full Moon in Scorpio

Full moon in Scorpio, queen of deep watery emotions.

Call on your spiritual support.

Take time to nurture and be kind to yourself.

Go deep!

What does your beautiful Soul require?

Do that now.



Fiery Aries New Moon

This fiery warrior new moon in Aries also has
Uranus nearby, stirring things up.
You may be feeling chaotic, off-balance, wild.
When things get this crazy, it’s time to “go to ground.”

Calm yourself with daily exercise, yoga
or some other physical activity.
Better yet, spend time walking or sitting
with Mother Nature.
She will calm you.

