Dreamy New Moon

New moon in watery Pisces. Deep dream time.
All the craziness and chaos is wearing you down.
It’s the perfect time to take a break from the news and the outside world. ‬

‪RELAX!   Take a chill pill. ‬
‪Reconnect with your peace and joy. ‬



Virgo Full Moon

Mama Earth

Full moon in Virgo, sacred priestess of earth cycles and rhythms.

Long hidden truths are surfacing as illusions fall away.

A watery Pisces sun amps up your emotions.

You may feel wild in the midst of this shift.

Find solid ground.

Anchor yourself to

Mama Earth in the storm‬.

Go Deep Under a Scorpio Moon


New Moon in Scorpio,

 Transformative Ruler of Deep water and Deeper emotions.

As we head into the dark of winter, take time alone with yourself.

Take time to go Deep within.

Embrace your strengths and your flaws.  

Embrace it all, light AND dark, pain and joy, confidence and fear.

Accept and Embrace it All.


Calling All Warrior Women

Dancing with Fire

Tomorrow’s full moon is in Aries, the fiery sign of the spiritual warrior who champions
Truth and Justice. 

Hundreds of thousands of women are feeling the fiery pull of this moon. They are fired up & fed up.  They are taking to social media to speak out against sexual aggression and assault. They are standing in their power and calling men out for dishonoring and disrespecting girls and women for far too long. They are shouting ‘No More!’

A tsunami wave of fierce feminine power has been unleashed. Sexism is being uprooted and brought to the surface. 

To warrior women everywhere: Take a deep breath, find your inner balance and GO!

Speak your Truth.