The Soul, Like the Moon


Moon Starfish
Moon Starfish

The soul, like the moon,

is new, and always new again.


And I have seen the ocean

continuously creating.


Since I scoured my mind

and my body, I too

am new, each moment new. 


My teacher told me one thing,

live in the soul. 


When that was so,

I began to go naked,

and dance. 


~Lalla, 14th century Kashmir,
Translation by  Coleman Barks

Hum the Truth

Grasshopper and Zinnia
Grasshopper and Zinnia

An excerpt from “Your Very Own Flavor of Poetry”

…You came here to hum the truth
that comes in only your

to sit inside the arms of a moment
to find breath in each drop of dark, to skip and sip and frolic
with every fleeting firefly
of light

You came here to give oxygen to words
to spin every stain
and splash
into your very own flavor
of poetry

You came here to look into your own eyes
and  whisper –

~Julia Fehrenbacher
The Painted Path

Eternal and Boundless

Stardust and Starlight
M78: Stardust and Starlight by Stephan Messner

You are made of stardust and miracles!  Open up and embrace the magic that is your true essence.

Learn to look beyond your physical body and feed the passions of your Soul. Pause, get still and reconnect with the flow of your Soul.

“Our spirits come to Earth from the Sky Nation,
traveling from the Spirit World like shooting stars.”

~Grandmother Wisdom Keeper in
The 13 Original Clan Mothers

Stop Doing and Start Being with yourself for a few moments each day. Take the time to reconnect with your True Self. Follow the dreams of your heart; pursue whatever makes your heart sing. Open up to the joyful knowing that who and what you are goes far beyond the limits of this reality. 

Learn more about the art of the pause here.

Being Lost


“There are ways in,  journeys to the center of life,
through time; through air, matter, dream and thought.

The ways are not always mapped or charted, 
but sometimes being lost, if there is such a thing,
is the sweetest place to be…

And always, in this search, a person might find
that she is already there, at the center of the world.

It may be a broken world,
but it is glorious nonetheless.”

~Linda Hogan, The Woman Who Watches Over the World