In Honor of Mothers Everywhere

Spring Blossoms

Mothers, I am here to remind you of your crown.
You have literally been initiated
into the creative source of the Universe.

So often, I have seen mothers uproot themselves
from their own superpower when trying to act in the world,
as if the big boys in suits know the rules of
the game of creation better than they do.

Mothers, you know how creation works, more than anyone.
Stay close to that knowing.
The knowing is not in your cranial brain;
it is in your womb brain.
You do the impossible; you have superpowers.
You have been through receiving life, growing life,
gestation, holding, sustaining. You know how to wait;
you’ve been through all the different changes
that happen in order for new life to come.
You know and have experienced exactly
when the time is right to move in full action.
And you have learned this symbiosis,
this total merging with another being—
the complete, utter commitment
and surrender required of you.

We need you more than ever. Your Shakti, in my view,
is what’s going to save us.
And it is saving us every single day.
Without you, none of this would be here.

Mothers, take your seat.
Straighten that crown, and hold your head high.
Own what you’ve been through and what you’re going through.
The world needs you.

~ Chameli Ardagh

Old Woman Weaves and Watches

				Old woman is watching
				Watching over you
				  in the darkness of the storm
				  she is watching
			          watching over you

				weave and mend
				weave and mend
			    Old Woman is watching
				watching over you
			    with her bones become a loom
				she is weaving
				watching over us
				weave and mend
				golden circle
				weave and mend
				sacred sisters
				weave and mend
				I have been searching
				I have been searching
				for many years

				I have ben searching
				Old Woman

				and I find her 

excerpt from “The Face of Old Women”  by Anne Cameron

Spider Web
Spider Weaves and Waitby Nancy L

Frog Song

Mosswood Pond
Pond at Mosswood Hollow by Nancy L

I attended a writer’s workshop near Seattle last week. I camped in a little tent in the middle of a beautiful forest. I was camping alone, but I didn’t feel lonely. The frogs of the nearby pond serenaded me nightly. I would lie each night in my tent beneath two huge old spruce trees and revel in their chorus. Here’s what I learned about frogs…

Frog timing is impeccable. Each night, one or two tiny frogs begin the frog chant and then another 2 or 3 will join in echoing the melody of the first perfectly. Then a third group joins, echoing the same melody. They join their voices and build a master symphony piece by piece, until their ultimate harmony rises and falls, undulating and echoing off the pond. Each masterpiece only lasts for one moment, maybe two. And then silence. Each serenade abruptly stops as if a maestro has cut the air with his baton to signal cease! Yet there is no maestro conductor on this pond. Only a few tiny green frogs magically harmonizing together.

At times, the nightly frog serenade would get so loud that I would literally have trouble thinking. But I was actually ok with that. Witnessing their creation up close was my compensation. It was fascinating to me that each frog sang out his piece of the symphony so loud and proud. I sensed zero hesitation and not an ounce of shame. One night as I listened to the symphony, I wondered to myself what I might learn from these little frogs. There had to be a reason my tent was positioned on the front row at this frog concert. It was too serendipitous to be an accident.

On my third night in the front row at frog symphony hall, I finally received the lesson frog was offering. I realized that I had been lying in my tent each night, debating with myself about how much of my story to write. I had been debating how much of me it was safe to share with the world. Meanwhile just outside, a tiny little frog sat on the muddy bank of a tiny little pond and bellowed out his song. He bellowed out his offering to the Gods with joy and gusto, night after night with little hesitation,  Frog refused to be silent. He just belted out his creations for all the world to hear.

Frog didn’t waste time worrying about who was listening. He didn’t worry about what his audience would think of his song. He just sang his song night after night. He sang it with gusto. Maybe, just maybe I was lying there in a tent next to frog’s pond to receive a lesson in the art of expressing myself with joyful abandon?

Joyful abandon… I love the sound of that. Juicy green joyful abandon! I could definitely use more of that in my life. 🙂

A·ban·don   əˈbandən/
noun – complete lack of inhibition or restraint

Ride the Flow

Ride the Flow
Ride the Flow

“There is nothing of significance that you can do by yourself.
Sustained ehthusiasm brings into existance a wave of creative energy,
and all you have to do the is ‘ride the wave’.”
~Elkhart Tolle

Every part of our Universe shifts and flows and creates with the energy of Tao, the energy of Source. The Tao is the energetic mother of all that is. This sacred flow thrums and buzzes with pure creative potential. And whether you realize it or not, this Source energy flows within you and connects you to all that is in every moment.  

Creative Flow

Every life begins in an act of creative flow.  The sperm of the male penetrates the egg of the female… or is it that the egg allows the sperm to enter?  Either way, the result is a merging of two separate energies into a completely new human being. In a single magical instant, the egg of the mother and the sperm of the father flow together and create a juicy new being. 

“Creating is the essence of life.”
~Julius Caesar

And the joyful dance of elemental flow continues as we grow in size and complexity; in just 9 short months we literally transform from a tiny single-cell into a juicy baby human with a multi-celled miracle body.  Flow is the creative “magic” that drives our transformation from one cell into billions of cells working in synchrony as one body.

We are like waves dancing with the shore; at birth we rise up out of the Universal ocean of energy. Then we dance and flow our way through our days here on Earth, until it is time to fall back into the Universal depths. We rise and dance. We subside back into the ocean. 

Life is meant to be a creative flowing dance.

Wired to Create

Every living being is wired to flow and sing with creation. Creative energies flow and drive this Universe.  And creativity spontaneously flows whenever you connect with the Song of Soul within yourself.  When you learn to align with this flow, you can create with grace and ease. 

How much potent creative energy will course through you if you dare to reconnect to the flow you were born with? When we open ourselves up to more flow, more and more Soul expresses joyfully and naturally in our life.

“Creativity is the mother of all energies,
nurturer of your most alive self.
It charges up every part of you.
When you’re plugged in, a spontaneous combustion occurs
that ‘artists’ don’t have a monopoly on.”
~Judith Orloff

Creative Soul

Connecting to the flow of Soul is wildly creative and joyful. It is also deeply healing.The word healing originated from the ancient Anglo-Saxon word “haelen” which means to be or become whole. Balance, resonate and heal are all words for the same concept.

In order to truly heal, we must reconnect to the deep yearnings of our Soul. True lasting healing is about transformation; digging in, and bringing flow of Soul to the surface. Healing happens naturally whenever we tap into the creative juice that flows through our core. 

“Every creative act is also an act of healing.”
~Nancy Lankston