Mystical Gemini Full Moon

In honor of this full moon in Gemini, a magical poem by Mary Oliver…

Moon and Water

I wake and spend
the last hours
of darkness
with no one

but the moon.
She listens
to my complaints
like the good

companion she is
and comforts me surely
with her light.
But she, like everyone,

has her own life.
So finally I understand
that she has turned away,
is no longer listening.

She wants me
to refold myself
into my own life.
And, bending close,

as we all dream of doing,
she rows with her white arms
through the dark water


Art by Georgia O’Keefe

Tending Solstice Fire

Join me in a guided Earth Tending in honor of sacred sunlight and Solstice.


Solstice is the perfect time to tend to the elemental fire of the sacred Sun that warms us and makes life possible on Earth.

Take a guided shamanic journey to honor and tend to elemental fire and sunlight. This Shamanism Without Borders tending was recorded a few days ago on Summer Solstice.

Click Here to access the audio recording.

Emotional Full Moon In Scorpio

Emotional full moon in Scorpio, queen of the watery depths.
Expect to be stirred up and even a bit off kilter.


More moon wisdom below from Lena Stevens at the Power Path:

“This can be a challenging moon as it triggers what needs to change and forces us to go deep within to access truth, resilience and creative inspiration in the face of external chaos, uncertainty and unexpected events. Even if you are not being outwardly affected, you will be influenced by the transformative aspect of this full moon. 

On the heels of the last eclipse and still in the field of an expansive time of evolution with a strong theme of death and rebirth, we should all be looking at how we can reform our lives to be bigger and more aligned with our truth and authenticity. Not an easy time to be sure, but look for magic, miracles, opportunities and synchronicity to emerge once you make space for a new path. Stay in your own lane, look within for wisdom, and use your emotional intuition instead of what you think you know for choices and decisions.”


Image: Moon over New Mexico
by NancyL

Owl Prayers

” I pray to the birds. I pray to the birds because I believe they will carry the messages of my heart upward. I pray to them because I believe in their existence, the way their songs begin and end each day—the invocations and benedictions of Earth. I pray to the birds because they remind me of what I love rather than what I fear. And at the end of my prayers, they teach me how to listen.”

~Terry Tempest Williams,
When Women Were Birds


Owls are one of my personal messengers. A great horned owl has shown up outside my window 3 times in the last 2 weeks. They show up everywhere I live, calling to me before dawn. 

Owl is the wise watcher of the forest – a true visionary.. nothing gets by Owl. 

But Owl’s message can sometimes elude me. They are mysterious creatures that hold deep magic which can be hard for a mere human like me to discern.  At times it takes me days to realize why Owl showed up. But there is always a beautiful message in Owl’s presence, if I take the time to listen.  


“When the owl sings, the night is silent.”
~Charles de Leusse

Photo of great gray owl
by Mel Clements

Recording of How Can We Help, Mama Earth?

Love Your Mama

In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can.

Take a guided shamanic journey to Mama Earth. Ask how you can help her and all her creatures. Discover what you can personally do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance.

The recording of this event is now available here:
