A Prayer for Chaotic Times

I am SAFE.
I am HELD.
I am LOVED by Her.

You are SAFE
You are HELD.
You are LOVED by Her.

We are SAFE.
We are HELD.
We are LOVED by Her.


Who is Her?

In the ancient tantric tradition, Adhara Shakti is the Goddess, the divine feminine who supports us in the physical realm. She is the supportive energy in the soil and rocks of our Earth, and in the bones of your body. She is there in the the steady beat of your heart and the solid support of your pelvis and spine. She is there, always there, in the ground beneath you.

To me, Mama Earth embodies Adhara Shakti. I am safe. I am held. I am loved by Mama Earth.


“The Goddess gradually retreated into the depths of forests or onto mountaintops, where she remains to this day in beliefs and fairy stories. Human alienation from the vital roots of earthly life ensued, the results of which are clear in our contemporary society. 

But the cycles never stop turning, and now we find the Goddess reemerging from the forests and mountains, bringing us hope for the future, returning us to our most ancient human roots.”

~Marija Gimbutas


A Blessing for the New Year

Let us bless the imagination of the Earth.

That knew early the patience to harness the mind of time,

Waited for the seas to warm, ready to welcome the emergence

Of things dreaming of voyaging among the stillness of land…

Let us thank the Earth that offers ground for home

And holds our feet firm to walk in space open to infinite galaxies.

Let us salute the silence and certainty of mountains:

Their sublime stillness, their dream-filled hearts.

The wonder of a garden trusting the first warmth of spring…

The humility of the Earth that transfigures all that has fallen of outlived growth.

The kindness of the Earth, opening to receive

our worn forms into the final stillness.

Let us ask forgiveness of the Earth

For all our sins against her:

for our violence and poisonings of her beauty.

Let us remember within us the ancient clay, holding the memory of seasons,

The passion of the wind, the fluency of water, the warmth of fire,

The quiver-touch of the sun and shadowed sureness of the moon.

That we may awaken to live to the full the dream of the Earth

Who chose us to emerge and incarnate its hidden night in mind, spirit and light.

~John O’Donohue

Thank the Air

‘When your world moves too fast

and you lose yourself in the chaos, introduce yourself

to each color of the sunset.

Reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet.

Thank the air that surrounds you

with every breath you take.

Find yourself in the appreciation of life.’

~ Christy Ann Martine

Image by Nancy L

Holiday Blessings


bless my eyes that I may see with love,

bless my mouth that I may speak with love,

bless my ears that I may listen with love,

bless my heart that I may give and receive love,

bless my hands that all that I touch feels love,

bless my feet that my walk may be a prayer upon Mother Earth.

~Curandera Grace Alvarez Sesma


Image: Mandala Offering to
Mama Earth by Nancy L