Bathing in Moonlight

Sacred mother moon
Gently, tenderly
Her dark
Luscious lap
The soft yin 
My body
So craves.


This poem bubbled up after I bathed in moonlight on the spring equinox full moon. Mother moon gave me the soft, tender and nurturing feminine energies that I had craved without realizing it. Thank you mother moon. I am so grateful.

Practice: Moon bathing is a lot like sun bathing, only done in moonlight! Simply relax and expose your skin to moonlight. As you absorb her light, open to whatever wisdom mother moon chooses to offer you.

Try moon bathing at the full moon, dark moon, crescent moon… whatever phase of the moon calls to you.

Hey Mansplainer

This was Inspired by the faces of the women of Congress watching Trump’s State of the Union speech…

Blah blah blah
Blah blah
Are you trying to impress me?
Because it’s not working.
What exactly is your point?
Maybe there isn’t one.
Maybe you simply love
the sound of you own voice.

Blah blah blah
Blah blah
This voice of authority
Lecture series of yours
Bores me spit-less.
Oh, I’ve smiled politely
For my entire life
As ‘important’ guys
Explained the world to me.
It’s getting old, so old.

Blah blah blah
Blah blah
It’s way past time
To reveal my true face.
My nobody cares face.
My you’re so full of shit face.
My do you impress yourself face.
My holy Hell, who put you in charge face.

Blah blah blah
Blah blah.
Times up.

Expansive New Moon

A portal opens with this airy new moon in expansive Aquarius.
Solar and Lunar Imbolc are precisely aligned.
New growth is stirring.

Vision clears.

But with Chiron in the mix, old wounds may also be exposed.
Stay present and look closely.

A new perspective on how to heal wounds that have long plagued you
and your lineage is right there in front of you.‬


Full Moon of Forgiveness

‪ Full Moon rises in sensual earthy Taurus tonight.
Dark emotional undercurrents of Scorpio rock this time.
You may question your deepest desires & intentions
as flaws & Inconsistencies are laid bare.
Abundant self-love will help you navigate
this deeply introspective time. ‬
Surrender to what is.



Tarot Card Guidance for this intense full moon: Acceptance, self-love and forgiveness lead to deep healing.

What If?

Am I all that you project
and expect of me?

Am I

a good girl
and vicious brat?

a selfless oracle
and manipulative witch?

a perfect partner
and selfish cunt?

a great mom
and controlling bitch?

a clueless child
and wise woman?


What if I fit
all of your labels
and none of them
at all?

What if you see
what suits your reality
instead of
who I truly am?

What if
I am who I am
and no one really
knows me at all?

What if I am here
to be my own truth
without needing
you to agree?

What if I allow myself
to be free
to simply
be me?

~Nancy L

The Beloved

The Beloved has no body now on Earth but mine.
The Beloved has no hands on Earth but mine,
The Beloved has no feet on Earth but mine,
Mine are the eyes through which the Beloved
streams compassion to the world.
Mine are the feet with which the Beloved is to go about
healing, loving, and serving all beings now.
Mine are the hands with which the Beloved is to bless all beings.

~ Saint Teresa of Avila


(adapted for every tradition by Andrew Harvey)