A Proper Feminist Nativity

A Modern Madonna by Caro Dranow

“i like my nativities
with a side of heresy
with midwives and mothers
and empty mangers
and full arms

i like wise women
over wise men
attending to bloody people
born and crucified
showing up in places
church leaders won’t go

i like heralding feminist agendas
and trouble
and god’s good news
which is kind of repetitive
since they’re all the same thing

proper churches
want proper nativities
because women’s bodies
are shameful
whether bearing christ
or just bare

and instead of silent nights
i like loud protests
be silent
is not a phrase about joy
but about control

so give me a christmas
without white supremacy
and bright sexism
where the story of a baby
becomes a story of a woman
and my nativity looks like
and not like

~ Kaitlin Hardy Shetler

Goddess Nu Kua

Chinese legends tell us that when the heavens and earth were separated, the Goddess Nu Kua made the first humans out of clay made from mud from the Yellow River. Her breath and Yin became the first women; Her breath and Yang became the first men.

She is said to have the upper body of a woman, and the lower body of a serpent or dragon. (Similar to the Mesopotamian Goddess Tiamat).

Creatrix Nu Kua re-established order on the earth after a terrible rebellion. She melted stones to rebuild the sky, used tortoise toes to mark the four directions, and reeds to hold back overflowing rivers. Once this was done, the earth returned to its former beauty.

Nu Kua plays her sacred flute, spreading good fortune and opportunity, and creating order from chaos.

“There is a Way
and I am that Way
the Way of Nature that moves in all things
In the beginning
I created the universal pattern
the Way things are
the Way things flow
the Way things need to be

I sequenced the seasons
harmonized the hillsides
organized the oceans
till all was auspiciously arranged
I am the natural order of things
I am the Way.”




Source: The Goddess Oracle by
Amy Sophia Marashinsky
and Wikipedia
art by Hrana Janto

Ancient Dreaming

Dreamer of Malta, 3000 BCE

“Excavators uncovered one of Malta’s most famous Neolithic sculptures, the “Sleeping Lady” of the Hypogeum, off the main hall. She reclines peacefully on her side, head in hand…This sculpture and another one shown lying on her stomach on a couch reminds us of initiation and healing rites known in later classical times. During these various classical ceremonies, the initiate spent a night in the temple (or cave or other remote place). The initiate experienced a night of visions and dreams, with spiritual or physical healing taking place…This rite probably derived from Neolithic practices that likened sleeping in a cave, temple, or underground chamber to slumbering in the goddess’ uterus before spiritual reawakening. For the living, such a ritual brought physical healing and spiritual rebirth. For the dead, burial within underground chambers, shaped and colored like the uterus, represented the possibility of regeneration through the goddess’ symbolic womb.

~Marijac Gimbutas,
The Living Goddesses

Love Your Mama Audio Recording

Here is an audio recording of the Love Your Mama Event I held earlier today:

Take a guided dream journey in the shamanic style and ask the land and waters how you can help. Call on the Celtic Goddess Danu – the ancient, primordial mother of all things – and ask for guidance.

How can you be of service to Mama Earth? 
What does the land ask of you?
What do the waters have to share?
How can you tend to the needs of Mother Danu / Pachamama / Gaia on Earth Day and every day?

Mother Goddess Danu

It seems fitting to share Goddess Danu, the Celtic Mother Goddess associated with the earth, the elements, fertility and abundance on St. Patrick’s Day.

Great primordial mother Danu birthed all things, including the Gods. She has always been here. Goddess Danu holds all things and presides over all stages of life, death and rebirth.

It is said that Mother Danu passed on some of her magic and wisdom to members of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the original tribe of Ireland. The tribe’s name literally means ‘the peoples of the goddess Danu”.

As an elemental Nature Goddess, Danu is present in the soil and stone and waters of our Earth. She whispers her wisdom on the wind.

You can connect with Danu by sitting with, and listening to wild, uncivilized nature.

Grá mór (Big Love)



Image: waterfall in Glencar Ireland
by Nancy Lankston

The Coming of Spring

Brigid by Laura Tempest Zakroff

Goddess Brigid is honored and celebrated at Imbolc in early Frebriary.

Brigid was born at sunrise with a flame of light shooting from her flaming red hair. Her sacred fire represents divine inspiration, warmth, safety, and home.

Brigid is also known to be a great healer and protector of life. Ancient wells honoring her are still found in Ireland and Scotland. People have prayed and left offerings at her wells for thousands of years. Their waters hold healing powers.

Ancient Nature Goddess Brigid brings the light of spring. It is said that flowers bloom wherever she walks.

May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.



Brigid’s Well, Kildare
Photo by NancyL